Roronoa Zoro, also known as “Pirate Hunter” Zoro, is the combatant of the Straw Hat Pirates, and one of their two swordsmen. Formerly a bounty hunter, he is the second member of the crew and the first to join, doing so in the Romance Dawn Arc.
As a master of Santoryu, a swordsmanship style which he created during his childhood training in Shimotsuki Village, Zoro is among the four most powerful combatants of the Straw Hats, alongside Luffy, Sanji and Jinbe. His dream is to become the greatest swordsman in the world, in order to honor a promise he made to his deceased childhood friend Kuina. In addition to his infamy as one of the Straw Hats and as a former bounty hunter, Zoro is also regarded as one of twelve pirates who are referred to as the “Worst Generation”.
- Limited to 444 Copies
- Weight: 0,4 kg
- Size: 6,7 inch tall (17 cm)
- Provided: With certificate of authenticity
- Author: Eiichiro Oda
- Material: Resin
- Release Date: 2008