“Shikamaru Nara, from the Naruto Shippuden franchise. X-tra by Tsume collection. Included one Shikamaru figure, its shadows stripes, its base and its window box.
Following Kakashi Hatake, here is Shikamaru Nara, our second new generation of Xtra by Tsume’s figures. More accurate, more details and more painting for a stunning result so close to the original show! The sculpt gets all the details of the original show and the painting has lots of gradients and shadings in the cloths or the hair. One of the brightest minds of Konoha is set invoking shadows for his Kagenui no jutsu. Slightly crouched, Shikamaru is performing a hand seal while grey-colored PVC shadows are emerging from the base. His face shows his determination and his annoy from having to fight seriously, which is probably his specificity! If you just take a glimpse, Konoha’s ninjas look like they wear the same outfit, where in fact a lot of details differ. His trousers are black, he wears some extra protection on both his arms and legs and he sewn his plate with the village sign on his left sleeve.” – Tsume Art