NOTE: This is a repaint of the existing Mr. Handy with Mr. Handy voice lines. It does NOT have Mr. Gutsy voice lines.
With over 40 points of articulation, a glowing LED exhaust flame and motorized head rotation, Mister Gutsy is owed a proud space in your vault.
Mister Gutsy is a dedicated combat robot and is easily distinguished from the Mister Handy model by its military olive-drab paint job, WWII-era U.S. Army roundel insignia and improved weapons.
Product features:
- 40 points of articulation
- Sound activated head rotation
- Sound activated playback of 18 random soundtracks from the game.
- Illuminated exhaust flame
- Working apertures on eyes
- Built in rechargeable battery
- Charges via USBYou can also still get your hands on the original Fallout®: Mister Handy Deluxe Articulated Figure
Images shown are representative only and final product may vary.