Evolution of Tyranitar (Pokemon) EGG Studio Resin + PU H27 * W23 * D21.5cm Estimated Features:Tyranitar + Pupitar + Larvitar
Ash Ketchum and Pokemon (Pokemon) EGGS Studios PU + Resin H30.5 * W30 * D29cm Estimated Features:Ash Ketchum + Pikachu + Charmander + Bulbasaur + Squirtle + Lapras
Evolution of Feraligatr (Pokemon) EGG Studio Resin + PU H26 * W27 * D23cm Estimated Features:Totodile + Croconaw + Feraligatr
Evolution of Pikachu (Pokemon) EGG Studio Resin + PU H27 * W23 * D25cm Estimated Features:Pichu + Pikachu + Raichu
Evolution of Slowpoke Blue (Pokemon) EGG Studio Resin + PU H27 * W24.5 * D23cm Estimated Blue water effect Features:Slowpoke + Slowbro + Slowking
Evolution of Typhlosion Transparent (Pokemon) EGG Studio Resin + PU H28 * W26 * D23cm Estimated Transparent effects Features:Typhlosion + Quilava + Cyndaquil
Evolution of Typhlosion Solid (Pokemon) EGG Studio Resin + PU H28 * W26 * D23cm Estimated Solid effects Features:Typhlosion + Quilava + Cyndaquil
Evolution of Jigglypuff (Pokemon) EGG Studio Resin + PU + LED H27.5 * W25 * D20cm Estimated LED-Feature Features:Igglybuff + Jigglypuff + Wigglytuff
Evolution of Poliwrath (Pokemon) EGG Studio Resin + PU H28.5 * W24 * D20.5cm Estimated Features:Poliwag + Poliwhirl + Poliwrath