524 Collectible
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Clash of the Titans Busts 3-Pack Exclusive (Movie/Clash of the Titans)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Indiana Jones – Raiders of the Lost Ark (Movie/Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Indiana Jones – Temple of Doom (Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Prince Nuada (Movie/Hellboy II: The Golden Army)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Hellboy (Movie/Hellboy II: The Golden Army)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Wink (Movie/Hellboy 2 – The Golden Army)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Freddy Krueger (Horror/A Nightmare on Elm Street)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Dorothy Gale (Movie/Wizard of Oz)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Wicked Witch of the West (Movie/Wizard of Oz)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Glinda the Good Witch (Movie/Wizard of Oz)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
The Cowardly Lion (Movie/Wizard of Oz)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Scarecrow (Movie/Wizard of Oz)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Mr. Bitchin’ Bust & Signed Giclée Print – Exclusive (Robert Williams)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Tom Bombadil – Exclusive (The Lord of the Rings)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Sauron (The Lord of the Rings)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Saruman (The Lord of the Rings)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Sam Gamgee in Orc Armor (The Lord of the Rings)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Ringwraith (The Lord of the Rings)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Glorfindel – Exclusive (The Lord of the Rings)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Gandalf (The Lord of the Rings)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Frodo in Orc Armor (The Lord of the Rings)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Strider (The Lord of the Rings)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Elrond (The Lord of the Rings)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Dark Galadriel (The Lord of the Rings) – never released!
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Balrog (The Lord of the Rings)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: |
Thorin Oakenshield – Exclusive (The Hobbit)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Dwalin the Dwarf – Exclusive (The Hobbit)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Sirius Black – Exclusive (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Sirius Black – Year 5 (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Ron Weasley in Quidditch Gear (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Professor Trelawney (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Professor Snape – Year 6 (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Professor Snape (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Professor McGonagall (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Professor Albus Dumbledore – Exclusive (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Pale Man and Faun – Exclusive (Movie/Pan’s Labyrinth)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Peter Pettigrew (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Nymphadora Tonks (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Neville Longbottom – Exclusive (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Nearly Headless Nick (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Luna Lovegood – Exclusive (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Lucius Malfoy – Exclusive (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Lord Voldemort with Nagini – Exclusive (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Hermione Granger (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Harry Potter in Quidditch Gear (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Harry Potter – Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Harry Potter – Year 5 Light-Up Exclusive (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Harry Potter – Year 5 (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Fred and George Weasley – Exclusive (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Fenrir Greyback (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Bellatrix Lestrange (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Remus Lupin – Werewolf Transformation Exclusive (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Merperson and Grindylow – Exclusive (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Argus Filch with Mrs. Norris – Exclusive (Harry Potter)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Glenn Rhee (TV Series/The Walking Dead)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Well Waker (TV Series/The Walking Dead)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
The Governor (TV Series/The Walking Dead)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Sophia Stalker Walker Zombie (TV Series/The Walking Dead)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Sheriff Rick Grimes (TV Series/The Walking Dead)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Negan – Exclusive (TV Series/The Walking Dead)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Morgan Jones (TV Series/The Walking Dead)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Michonne – Exclusive (TV Series/The Walking Dead)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Daryl Dixon (TV Series/The Walking Dead)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Carl Grimes (TV Series/The Walking Dead)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Durotan – Exclusive (Movie/Warcraft: The Beginning)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Martian – Exclusive (Movie/Mars Attacks)
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |
Brand: | Gentle Giant |
Category: | Mini-Busts |
Rubric: | Busts |
Scale: | 1:6 |