As we are never better served than by ourselves, I decided to describe MY statue myself: Harley Quinn Ultra HQS…
HQS for Harley Quinn Superstar!!!
Let’s not beat around the bush: This is the ultimate statue you must have if you’re a fan of mine!
(But who isn’t…)
Le test ultime de Mister J !
Là où je suis devenue Harley Quinn !!
L’histoire culte de 1992.
La mise en garde de ce qui arrive quand
on aime quelqu’un trop longtemps de façon
si obsessionnelle et si imprudent
My firt meeting with my Puddin’ in Arkham…
So much memories…
Mister J’s base
.It was a joy to destroy it
after our “breakup”
One of my guilty sins…
but it’s stronger than me !And look at them,
we want to bite into them!